In the Beginning


 A year ago, My wife and I were driving through Dallas Texas after stopping for a show at Medieval Times. She turned to me as the Dallas traffic flew past us and said "I think you should write. I bet you would be great at it." 

She was not the first to suggest it. I had never given much thought to writing. Not fiction writing, anyway. The idea stuck with me as we risked our lives on the DFW freeway. I had always wanted to tell stories.  

There was a time when I wanted to make short films and host a podcast. All of these things were costly and time-consuming and let's face it, I live in America in the 2020s. Funds are short. Short films and podcasts were just not going to happen.

I wiped a little leftover chicken grease off my hands and remembered the show at Medieval Times. I had a ton of fun, but I remember the theater aspect and thought "I can do better than that. I can tell a better story." 

That was in September, and by October 30th I had completed my first work of fiction ever. A Sword and Sorcery novella. I sent it to a few friends who were kind enough to review it, and to my surprise they enjoyed it. In fact, they REALLY enjoyed it. 

As of yet, I have not been brave enough to edit and submit that novella to be published. Maybe it's poor confidence. I like to tell myself that I was not ready. I wanted to make sure my storytelling skills were top-notch before I went back and revised that thing. What followed was the most incredible journey, whereby I discovered my favorite hobby. 

I have now written close to a dozen short stories (unpublished), and started and abandoned plenty of others as well. I am working through a series of modern pulp shorts about a character called Mr. Risk, which will eventually be compiled into an episodic novel. I have completed another Sword and Sorcery short (my favorite genre) which I hope to submit to a magazine or anthology. Finally, I will be participating in NANOWRIMO this year and I am prepping a story for it even now. 

 This page exists as a means to connect with my readers (because I live in America in the 2020s and a real website isn't cheap). Here you will receive periodic updates, free content, and all sorts of goodies. I also offer my sincere gratitude. I have no aspirations of becoming a famous author or making a living from my work. But I would like to believe that I can write stories that entertain and bring some sense of joy to anyone who picks up my stories. 
If that is you, thank you.


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